Can’t integrate my WordPress website

If you have troubles to integrate your WordPress, first thing to check is that the URL https://your.wordrpess.url/wp-json answers something when called. (just add /wp-json after your wordpress URL)

For instance, answers data. That’ why it works on Siberian. (Siberian only read returned data)

So if there are no data displayed when you call the URL https://your.wordrpess.url/wp-json, it means something prevent the WordPress to return data.
It can come from WordPress security plugins, and also from security plugins of the server on which the WordPress runs.

Solutions to test are:

  • Deactivate all WordPress plugins and check if the URL returns data. If it returns data, then reactivate the plug in one by one until you find the one preventing the data to be returned.
  • If there are still no data returned, there might be a security plugin on the server, for instance mod_security can generates this kind of behavior. You have then to contact the server administrator/support about this.

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