How to create a custom URL for your mobile website

In your Siberian, from the 3.1 version minimum, you can enter a custom domain for your app in settings–>domain, or from your backoffice in the app sheet you can access from Manage > Application.Be careful this operation may have an impact on your app if it is not already published, therefore do it only if you really want a custom url for your mobile website (i.e. allowing people to open your app in their browser).

The best method on Siberian is to use a CNAME. If your Siberian is installed, and you have, or your client has, a domain like, it is possible to create a CNAME like that will open the app in the browser of the device. To create the CNAME you must, or your client must connect to his domain name panel and create a CNAME record named “mobile” which will have your Siberian URL as its destination. Thus to keep the example above, the destination of the CNAME “mobile” will be “”. Then the complete CNAME must be entered in the domain field in your Siberian editor (Settings > Domain) or in your Siberian backoffice (Manage > Application). In the domain name panel, a CNAME record can be created from the DNS zone section (most often from a link “Add a new record”).

If it is not well configured, a message saying “your CNAME is not properly set” will be displayed. It can happen even if you have well configured your CNAME because of DNS propagation delay. Wait a little bit and enter the CNAME url in your browser, if it displays the app, the CNAME is well configured. If not, you should take a look at your CNAME configuration, or remove this custom domain.

WARNING: if your client, or you have entered a custom domain, be sure this ones works. If not, the app will never open, because the content is based on this URL and it will try to reach this URL and fail.

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