How to activate scheduled push notifications

You have to add an entry to your crontab.
A crontab is included in every server, and allows to execute some automatic tasks. You add an entry to the crontab and it executes the task when you have told it to do it. It can be a task to execute every 10am, every wednesday, etc.

In our case the crontab entry you have to create will launch the file that will check the scheduled notifications and send them.
Two ways to create your new crontab entry:

Search for your crontab manager. Add a new entry with these settings:

Minute: */10
Hour: *
Day of Month: *
Month: *
Day of Week: *
Command (you will have to replace “” by the address of your Siberian): wget “”

Connect to your server using your SSH root access.
Enter: crontab -e
press enter
Press “i” to enable the insertion mode
Add this line at the end (you will have to replace “” by the address of your Siberian): */10 * * * * wget “”
press echap
enter: :wq
press enter
enter: exit


  • You have to change by your own url of your Siberian install
  • In SSH the space between */10 and each * are tab space and not just normal space, and the one between wget and the url is a normal space
  • We have set the cron task to be executed every 10 minutes, but you can change it by the frequency of your choice (in */10 replace 10 by the number of your choice).

You are done!

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